
Welcome to my digital portfolio! A compilation of all the assignments I’ve completed over the time of this course from my fall 2022 FIQWS class.

   Throughout the course, I’ve learned how to properly communicate my purpose geared for a specific audience to strengthen its message. We have had assignments like the linkedin profile, the new features and our genre analysis. What those all have in common is that we have to communicate a message. All three complete assignments with different guidelines but ultimately share a common goal of making sure you reach your goal in the best and most efficient way. To hook that audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

One of the biggest assignments we had was the news feature article. I was to report on activism in Cuny’s specifically CCNY, regarding tuition and tuition spikes that affected the community. It’s a pressing issue that affects all of Cuny. Especially how cuny students choose Cuny for their accessibility and affordability and not for luxury purposes. I wanted to express that to Cuny students specifically. This was supposed to be a long paper. So I made sure to keep it engaging and proactive since students our age are typically bored and move on to the next thing very easily. It’s important to grab attention, but is equally important to keep their attention. I was informed in the paper that the latest tuition spikes and how Cuny’s are targeted very often and affect a large majority of their students. It’s important that they know that. I wanted to reach the right audience and say that they also deserve a chance to go to college and that college is something that shouldn’t just be for the rich and elite.

   Another way I broadcasted this message was through a poster. Majority of students go to campus in person now or at the very least, take at least one class in person. So it’s assured that students are very much back and strolling around campus. Many posters are put up throughout City College’s campus. So a poster is a great way of connecting with students. I wanted to have a striking poster but also for it to maintain its core message and not lose that. The poster is bright green, something that will certainly catch someone’s eye when walking to class. It’s also been studied that green improves concentration. The color green also resembles the color of cash, which most people just conclude to. I had put statistics specifically about college students and graphics to show that Cuny is attacking their students and not putting up a good enough fight. My purpose is to show them that, and that they should take things into their own hands. They are the ones being affected the most out of this situation and with so many other things going on such as inflation, a tuition spike could be another issue halting students and their dreams.

   Those two assignments helped me learn how important it is to reach a certain demographic and to reach the demographic effectively. Cuny students in particular are a wide demographic, Ranging from all different types of races, genders, and social classes. Despite that, students no doubt like spending more money on a system that already asks for a lot. It’s important to keep them united and show them how important their voices can impact the community.

   That was just one part of the FIQWS. Where we had another section focusing on our strengths as a person and how to communicate to a future employer. Prior to this class, I had no idea how to broadcast myself. Mostly because I was never seeking a job and hadn’t realized my strength. I was also never sure on what to speak about when it came to self-growth and self-improvement. However, we also had an audience to reach, and that was employers. We had to make sure we looked good in their eyes which may have required specific skills and expertise. Situations like that, you had to speak well about yourself and almost brag. Speak about your accomplishments and how far you’ve come from learning from your mistakes and past experiences to who you are now. The class and specific assignments taught me to look at myself differently and be proud of my actions. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for the things we’ve done. I can also say that this course was a very good decision. I only took it since I had made my schedule extremely late but it taught me the most so far. Taught me how to achieve a specific purpose and how to strengthen that through different audiences and different types of genres.